Every 4 min x 5 sets (20 min total) :
400m run
12 SDHP 40/30kg
8 SDHP 40/30kg
Max Double-unders in the remaining time
🗒Score is the total number of Double-unders completed.
▪️Sc : 12 SDHP 30/20kg, 1 unbroken set of HSPU, 8 SDHP 30/20kg, 1 unbroken set of HSPU
If you get a similar split each rounds after having completed the run and the 2 rounds of SDHP and HSPU then you put on your best performance! Pacing is key here! We don't want to see a 30% decrease in your split time between round 1 and 5.
SDHP and HSPU are just in the sweet spot : easy to keep unbroken at first and then harder in the later rounds as the double-unders put an extra fatigue on the shoulders.
Good form on SDHP and efficient Kipping on HSPU will save you!