by Pirates Program

3 rounds, each for time :
20 Double-unders
5 Wall walk
20 Double-unders
25 Wall Ball Shots 9/6kg
20 Double-unders
5 Sandbag Clean 70/45kg

>3min rest between rounds<

INT/SC : Sandbag Cleans should be heavy but not holding you back on the intensity of the workout.

🧩Pick-up a sandbag weight that you can move even when tired.
Double-unders will constantly break the flow of the workout, make sure to keep relaxed shoulder on thoses.

🧩Wall walks : Set up the open standars (2 lines), try to cruise thru the 5 reps with a good form.

🧩Wall ball shots : Unbroken. This is a MUST HAVE to be able to perform 25wbs unbroken during a workout.

🧩Sandbag Cleans : Almost done, give it all!

The New Cycle start Next Week it still Time To Join Us. Be Ready, Be Strong !